CEU Class Tuesday, June 4, 2019 10:00 AM 2:30 PM 10:00 14:30 GBAR 68 Main Street Reading, MA (map) Google Calendar ICS Each class is worth 2 credits which are provided through the Greater Boston Real Estate Board's Center for Professional Development. Please note that lunch will be provided. RSVP Now June 4 CEU Form Name * First Name Last Name Company Name * Email * Do you plan to attend RE63RC10? * 10 a.m. - 12 noon RE63RC10: Environmental Issues Yes No Do you plan to attend RE97R15? * RE97R15: Due Diligence in Seller(s) Representation in Residential Real Estate Transactions 12:30-2:30 Yes No Please indicate your lunch choice: * Yes, I will be having lunch No, I will bring my own lunch Please indicate any dietary restrictions Thank you for registering for the May 16 CEU Class. Please note that no lunch is provided on this date.